Arbutus Unedo
Latin name: Arbutus Unedo
Length 55 cm
Adomex imports from: South of Portugal
Availability: The product is at its best from May to September, after which it is still available until December, but possibly with some natural damage
The story of
Arbutus grows in the mountains mainly in southern Portugal. Most of the shrubs are planted, but there is also a lot of wild growth. Since this planted shrubs are in full sun (and preferably oriented towards the south), the leaves are often slightly yellow and therefore we mainly use the branches that grow between the Eucalyptus trees. These are greener because of the shade.

Perfect for decorating
your bridal bouquet

How is it harvested?
From the beginning of May, the young plants develop and they are beautifully pure and strong enough to be harvested. Top quality is available from May to September, after which the quality decreases slightly.
The workers do not cut the Arbutus branches with the usual scissors, but they break them off, which is a lot easier. The shrub will then continue to grow.
Local spirit
The Arbutus Unedo is also known as Strawberry Tree, thanks to the strawberry-like fruits that appear a year after flowering. This fruit is used in a distilling process to make a local spirit, the “medronho”.

Green Inspiration
The Arbutus Unedo is a relative of the rose family and therefore well known for its romantic, love-inducing properties.
The leaves are decoratively nice to use in floral arrangements and also in bridal work, That means on warmer days, the green strong leaves will show beauty from beginning till end. For corporate use, for a weekly delivery of flowers on the front desk of a company or hotel, as a florist, you don’t have to worry about the leaves flattening. It looks fresh and clean for a week easily.

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